Amazon Glow

Overhead view of the Amazon Glow device and play mat

The Amazon Glow enabled kids and family members to chat remotely and play games using a touchscreen projected by the device.

While working on the project, I was an Art Director but took on many roles. Below are some of my accomplishments.

  • Art Directed over 20 games

  • Full UI and UX audit of all the games

  • Designed new and improved UI for games

  • Directed developers on UX flow

  • Created new concepts, prototypes, and wireframes

  • Designed and illustrated game assets

  • Worked with the UX team to help create a comprehensive design guide for outside partners.

*Note: Project and Device were discontinued in December of 2022

Art Direction

Below are some of my favorite games I had the pleasure of not only Art Directing but working with the internal
team to insure user experiences are fun, user-friendly, and adhere to the style guide.
Art created by Amazon's talented development partner, Floor84

Game Tiles

Along with my Art Directing I also Illustrated and graphic designed UI game tiles that were displayed on the play-mat and Glow device view screen.
Below are a few of my favorites.

Yacht tile
Crazy Eights
4 in a Row
Desert Decorator
Follow Me
Nim Game tile
Alien Invasion

Game Art

I also had the pleasure of designing backgrounds and in-game assets for drawing games.

Background and Hero image for a drawing game called Bridgit.

Background and Hero image for a drawing game called SOS.

Background and Hero image for a drawing game called Nim.

UI/UX Design

Below are some of the UI and UX designs I created for Amazon Glow Games.



Crayola Color Camera App